söndag 29 december 2013

Flower Abstraction 61

My last post for this year is this flower abstraction. This one remind me to not over think, to be bold and experiment more. Something to work on in 2014.

I wish you all a Happy Creative New Year!

fredag 27 december 2013

Abstracture 20

I hope everyone had a great holiday.

This is one of the paintings that is a continuation from an earlier experimentation "Flower Abstraction 59". I don't always go abstract, but I get most satisfaction when I do, at least right now.

fredag 20 december 2013

Flower Abstraction 64

This is a larger version of a painting I did earlier this year and I wanted to paint one for my first participation in a Swedish tradition (Easter Art Exhibition). Each Easter artists/painters open up their studios and have exhibitions. Art lovers makes this an event, driving around and visiting local artists.
I know there is early, that there is plenty of time before it is time, but I will focus on getting enough paintings together. That means new paintings, new versions of old paintings and showing a good mix of paintings.

I wish everyone a Merry X-mas and a Happy New Year. Thanks for all the support in 2013 and I hope 2014 will be an interesting and creative year.

söndag 15 december 2013

Flower Abstraction 59

This is one of those exploration/experimentations that start something. I had a blueberry painting that was a larger version of another painting, but I didn't want to keep it since I didn't think it added anything new. I took a transparent blue color and painted a thin layer over the whole canvas and had it as a starting point for this abstract floral painting. I will keep this one for time being, but I have done several paintings on this theme.

lördag 14 december 2013

Flower Abstraction 52

As you can see by the number, this small floral painting was painted a week or so ago. I like this a lot, partly because it's not "cute" with perfect colorful flowers. It has a rough edge to it.

torsdag 12 december 2013

Rowan Berries 19

I think I will allways get inspired and challenged by this subject. The leaves change color in the autumn and the range of colors include purple, yellow, orange and red. I painted this a while back and it shows the trees with it's berries turned red, but the leaves are still green.

tisdag 10 december 2013

Flower Abstraction 57


I was able to keep this one from getting too cute, something I can't say about "Floral Abstraction 58". I got a love/hate relationship going on with that one. I like this one though.

söndag 8 december 2013

Floral Abstraction 56

I have explored a lot of flowers lately. I have realized that I like it when I go simple, close-up, abstract, graphic etc. If I zoom out and do more traditional, it might look good, but I don't like it.
I didn't have any reference photo for this one, not even a clear idea, just followed my instinct and I like how it turned out.

lördag 7 december 2013

Cupcake 20

I painted this cupcake a while back. I painted two types of cupcakes at the time and I did at least two versions of each. Haven't posted before because I decided to keep this one myself.

onsdag 4 december 2013

Flower Abstraction 55


This is my 3rd and final attempt on this composition. I have no idea why, but I got caught up with the coneflower's petals, going too realistic and clashing with the simplicity of the other flowers. I finally found my way again and this painting took me into a new direction. I have done a few floral paintings where I am less concern with what kind of flowers I am painting and more about the shapes and colors that they have.

måndag 2 december 2013

Bird's Nest Abstraction 30

This is a smaller bird's nest painting that I painted a while ago. I like the simplicity and lightness of it.