onsdag 26 februari 2020
Flower Exploration 44
This is a painting that I started/painted a while ago, before I started putting flowers into vases. It was my first experimentation with putting multi flowers together. The idea behind this one is a "Pile of flowers". I liked the result, but never finished it, didn't know where to take it. It sat there a long time, until I finally took the effort to do so.
tisdag 18 februari 2020
Flower abstraction 246
This was a little experiment with multiple flowers, containing my signature graphic flower that was inspired by an Iris flower. I might explore some more with this. It is a small painting and was a real challenge.
torsdag 13 februari 2020
Pear abstraction 4
Hard to find time to paint, which lead to overthinking and rushing to use the time I got, not a good thing when you have an expressive style.
It is easy that the focus is on producing instead of creating, but I do get some things done that I like.