tisdag 27 juni 2017

Flower Abstraction 231

There is a lot of trial and error going on right now. It takes time to find the balance between patience and spontaneity, detail and simplicity and finding out what works right now. Depending on mood and where I am at the moment does matter. It can influence what size and subject that works best at that time.

This is a small flower abstraction I did to get going and get a feel about what works and what I feel like.

onsdag 21 juni 2017

Landscape Exploration 21

This is a painting to get things going. I used a slightly used canvas-board, not a clean slate, but it allowed me to work without expectations. It is rough, but I made it work.

tisdag 13 juni 2017

Flower Abstraction 232

I have started to paint again .....

To get into it I used some familiar and fun subjects to paint, with focus on having fun and experimenting. This small flower painting isn't a drastic change, but the process was slightly different.

lördag 10 juni 2017

Shapes & Movement 93

It has been a while since I did some serious painting, but I think that can be a good thing. I feel that I am looking forward to get starting again, to explore new paths, getting ideas about what I want to explore.

I did this one earlier, but never got around to post it.