måndag 2 juli 2012

Waterlily abstraction 1

Waterlilies has always been one of my favorite things to paint. I love the green leaves more than the flowers them self, the remind me of the old computer game "PAC-Man". It has been a while, but I think it is time to explore them with my looser painting style. I have done two paintings so far, one could say that they are a starting point, from which I will explore and go outside my comfort zone.

5 kommentarer:

  1. This is different for you. I like it. I've had a paintable waterlily photograph that I've never painted, but thought I should. You've inspired me to pull it out. Waterlilies are charming and your painting says so. It's beautiful Roger.

  2. J'ai toujours été fascinée par les nénuphars et le monde incroyable qui règne autour d'eux... Les couleurs et la lumière jouent ensemble à cache-cache. A chaque instant tout change semblable à un kaléidoscope. On peut voir des combinaisons différentes.
    Mon regard se noie agréablement dans votre dernière peinture. Je deviens une reinette avec bonheur !

    Gros bisous.

  3. Surprise, surprise :-) New subject and a lovely one, too...waterlilies are just the best and so romantic :-))

  4. Roger I love this. It is a different subject for you but it works so well with your style. :) And they remind me of pac man too!! I loved that game.

  5. Roger, this painting is marvelous. The water is fantastic and really looks like it's moving. Awesome light.


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