lördag 22 september 2012

Apple abstraction 4

This is similar composition as an earlier painting but cropped very close. I also tried experiment with the way I applied the paint and to be bolder.

4 kommentarer:

  1. The zing of the red next to the green makes my color lusting heart beat faster. Abstract but dimensional - only you seem to be able to do that, Roger. Another great painting!
    Doesn't it get boring turning out masterpieces day after day? !!!

  2. Those apples look like they are almost vibrating, I love the implied 'motion' in this. It is very, very bold. You're awesome at that Roger. :D

  3. Fabulous composition Roger...that unexpected purple background really is a hit. Great work !

  4. The light in this one is wonderful. Everything looks bolder. I'm not sure why I choose that word, but it looks strong. Your confidence as a painter really comes through.


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