fredag 30 september 2011
Playing with apples
My first thought was to post the first Lilac painting, but on 2nd thought I decided to mix it up with this playful painting of apples. I played with shapes, colors and strokes. It was a lot of fun.
12" x 12",
acrylic on canvas board-MDF,
still life
torsdag 29 september 2011
Lilac 2
As I mentioned before I haven't had much time to paint my usual stuff cause I have been working on a commission painting. The client wanted a painting of his girlfriends favorite flower, the Lilac. I did 2 takes on the subject, this is the 2nd one. The client loved both very much (though his favorite was number 1) and unless there is change of mind he will buy both.
25" x 17.7",
acrylic on paper,
måndag 26 september 2011
Autumn berries
This is my first take on this weeks challenge, "The Fall's Challenge" , on the DPW homepage. The challenge is to paint what is around us now when the fall has arrived. Am doing other things right now, but wanted to do this, so I came up with this. A suggestion in the challenge was to use a drastic under-painting, something that I totally forgot to do when I threw myself into the challenge.
I took some close-up pictures of bushes with red berries. The leaves had mixed colors, some green, some yellow and so on. Wanted to keep it fresh, spontaneous and with big bold brush strokes.
I took some close-up pictures of bushes with red berries. The leaves had mixed colors, some green, some yellow and so on. Wanted to keep it fresh, spontaneous and with big bold brush strokes.
12" x 12",
acrylic on canvas board-MDF,
lördag 24 september 2011
Purple Iris - Mini 6
A small departure from my latest subjects, fruits and vegetable, and back to an old favorite, the Iris flower.
Am continuing painting these small size canvas hardboard-MDF. Found a way to hold them on place while I paint, it is not perfect, but at least it is better than earlier attempts to hold them in one hand and paint with the other. I kept it loose, bold brush strokes and tried to get the feeling of the flower, rather than the details of it.
Am continuing painting these small size canvas hardboard-MDF. Found a way to hold them on place while I paint, it is not perfect, but at least it is better than earlier attempts to hold them in one hand and paint with the other. I kept it loose, bold brush strokes and tried to get the feeling of the flower, rather than the details of it.
9" x 11.5",
acrylic on canvas board-MDF,
fredag 23 september 2011
Avocado 4
Have done Avocado fruits before, but this time I kept it small, like the others I have done lately. Tried to keep it in the same spirit as the other Avocado paintings.
Have started working on a commissioned painting of a Lilac flower, The size is bigger, around 26" x 18", will post it when it is finished.
Have started working on a commissioned painting of a Lilac flower, The size is bigger, around 26" x 18", will post it when it is finished.
torsdag 22 september 2011
Three green apples on a plate
Wasted, in the trash.
Another fruit painting. Been thinking about "still life" lately, what kind I would like to do and how to do them. Many painters do still life, but need to do my thing, get my spin on it. Can go further than I do, but have to start somewhere.
8" x 8",
acrylic on canvas board-MDF,
still life
onsdag 21 september 2011
A lot of tomatoes

tisdag 20 september 2011
Cherries 3 (Mini)
Not as small as my previous painting (four apples), but smaller than my usual paintings. This ones is similar to my first cherries painting in color and composition, but still different. It is funny how small adjustments can do much for the final result.
måndag 19 september 2011
Four apples
I thought I give painting smaller a chance. After all, I should be able to paint smaller than I do by using smaller brushes. I might loose some spontaneity, but that is also something to work at.
8" x 8",
acrylic on canvas board-MDF,
still life
söndag 18 september 2011
Six cupcakes - Carrot-cakes with butter-cream frosting
Thought I do a display of cupcakes, kind of a classical pastry thing to do. Realized that doing repetition has it drawbacks. Started with 10 cupcakes, but it didn't work, so cut it down to six and tried to have fun with it.
25.6" x 17.7",
acrylic on paper,
still life
lördag 17 september 2011
One Cupcake - Carrot-cake with butter-cream frosting
I continue the path of trying new things out. I have lately thought about what food would look like if I put my spin on it. What would cookies look like for an example. I am no realistic painter and I am sure there are things that is not meant to be painted by me. Things that is fun and decorative works I think. Sure, you may not get the urge to eat it, but I think you can enjoy it. It's fun and whimsical.
17.7" x 21.7",
acrylic on paper,
still life
onsdag 14 september 2011
Cherries 2
Right now I got a lot to do, so painting isn't first on my list, but I am trying. I liked the result of my first Cherries painting, so I thought I do a 2nd one. This time I thought I take the background in another direction and did a subtle complementary color study, with a green background to the red cherries. The composition isn't that much different than the first one, but the final result look a lot different.
15.7" x 21.7",
acrylic on paper,
måndag 12 september 2011
Purple Iris 9
Thought I go with the flow and take the same approach when painting Irises, as I did on the cherries and onions. I did have to tone it down a little, the amount of details on the flowers demanded a softer touch. Think I am finished with it, so I post it, but will take a last look tomorrow. And if there is things that need to change, I let you know.
17.7" x 25.6",
acrylic on paper,
fredag 9 september 2011
Cherries 1
I took some pictures of cherries a while back, but wasn't ready to do anything with them until now. I kept in the same spirit as I have done the last month or so. I kept it loose with big brush strokes and just had fun with it.
15.7" x 21.7",
acrylic on paper,
still life
torsdag 8 september 2011
3 onions
I decided to take part of the latest challenge on The Rookie painter blog. The challenge comes with a picture of 3 onions. I decided that I didn't want to crop the picture, too much of the onions character would be lost. Instead I chose to bring middle onion more behind the onion on the right, and pull the onion on the left closer to the others.I also changed the cutting board a little. I had a lot of fun, keeping it rough and fresh. Here is my take on the challenge.
15.7" x 21.7",
acrylic on paper,
still life
onsdag 7 september 2011
Partially Abstract Water Lilies 25
It is no secret that I like to paint Water Lilies. I never get tired of finding out new ways to paint them.
Here is a composition that I wanted to work on contrasts. The top is covered with leaves, but the rest is mostly water with a few leaves. I also tried to work with big contrasts.
Here is a composition that I wanted to work on contrasts. The top is covered with leaves, but the rest is mostly water with a few leaves. I also tried to work with big contrasts.
måndag 5 september 2011
Playful Ceramic Piggy Banks
This weeks Daily Paintwork Challenge is to paint a pig. It is a while since I did a challenge so I thought I give it a try. The challenge is to paint a pig, any pig, and I chose to use the provided picture as reference. My take was to live it up, have fun, using colors in the lines and background, but to keep the pigs blue/gray/white.
17.7" x 25.6",
acrylic on paper,
still life
lördag 3 september 2011
Partially Abstract Water Lilies 24
After the last waterlily painting, I wanted to do another close-up waterlily painting. I wanted to go with a cleaner ellipse shaped green leaves.I tried to keep it loose, still keeping the spontaneity, rough brush-strokes etc.
Partially Abstract Water Lilies 23
I was satisfied with my latest Water Lilies painting and went on painting a more advanced composition. I kept it loose and didn't get caught on too much details. The thought was to go with it in the same direction as the previous one. I tend to work with more close-up compositions, so it was fun to go with this full view painting.
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