tisdag 25 mars 2014

Forest Exploration 14

Not all paintings that I have done lately has been big (even though most of them are). This is one of my smallest tree paintings and I really like it. It has a simplicity and directness that I really like.

To mark my abstract adventure and bring them together, make them a series, I have decided to change their names. The new name on this series of paintings will be "Shapes & Movement".

3 kommentarer:

  1. You should like it; it's good. I like it too.

  2. Bonjour cher Roger,

    Une forêt printanière... On pourrait y trouver du muguet... et j'entends les oiseaux chanter. Les couleurs elles aussi chantent agréablement au rythme des lignes de vos arbres.
    Je veux bien devenir le Petit Poucet et m'y perdre...
    Gros bisous

  3. Great cool colors and great depth , lovely piece !


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